• Goodwill offers European and American standard pulleys, as well as matching bushings and keyless locking devices. They are manufactured to high standards to ensure a perfect fit to the pulleys and provide reliable power transmission. In addition, Goodwill offers custom pulleys including cast iron, steel, stamped pulleys and idler pulleys. Tine hukuru hwekugadzira tsika yekugadzira kugadzira tailor-yakagadzirwa pulley mhinduro zvichienderana nezvinodiwa uye zvinoshandiswa nharaunda. Kuti tisangane nezvinodiwa zvakasiyana zvevatengi, kuwedzera kune velectrophoretic pendi, pfambi yekukasira, godo inopawo sarudzo dzekurapa dzakadai sekupenda, kurongedza, uye chrome, uye chrome. These surface treatments can provide additional corrosion resistance and aesthetics to the pulley.